Do you really know how to Let Go & Let God?
Many use the phrase Let Go & let God, but do we actually understand the depth of that statement? We say God is our source but as humans we worry, have fear, have doubt and insecurities about the unknown. These feelings are the opposite of Faith. I know it is so hard to actually let that situation go that is taking your mind off the fact that God is all knowing and that what he allows is for your good. Let’s look at scripture to help make things a little clearer.
Turn to Joshua Chapter 6- Read It.
God tells Joshua I have given you the city of Jericho all you need to do is- March around the city for six days, have seven priests carry trumpets. One the seventh day march around the city and this time blow the trumpets, then have the whole army give a loud shout then the walls will collapse, then have your army go straight in.
Ok, many of us would be like Now, God what do you want me to do? Ok, just march around, play music, and shout- then I will be able to take over an entire city???? Naturally, we would all question God at this point. However, Joshua did that let go and let God thing! Guess What, it WORKED!
This passage shows us to have Faith and Trust God. He will do what he has promised, most times we just need to get out of the way. Now, take some time to reflect on the thing God is saying to do and how he will cover you as you take that leap. Is It a new job, new position, new business he wants you to start, a new relationship he wants you to develop, or is it simply a journey of being slow to speak and quick to listen. No matter, how big or small, all you need to do is listen and trust God. Don't question or try to make sense of it. To be honest our brains can't handle thinking to God’s capacity. He will show us his plan and purpose for our lives- just be still.
As, Christians we must truly Let Go & Let God. This week use your actions not your words to be the example. Allow God to break those chains of worry, doubt and fear. Allow him to fight your battles-So chill on letting your boss know that you are thinking. Don't show your cards, simply smile, and take your concerns to the Lord.
He will handle that situation….Don’t believe me just watch!
Til next time,